2023 Football Program Ads
2023 Football Program Ads are now being sold for both business and personal pages. Please click on one of the links below to download your form today and get it submitted before it is too late. If you purchase a full page ad, it will include a web banner. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
Program and Web Ads:
Game Day Ad - $1000.00: Includes full page ad, website advertisement, and advertisement on scoreboard during all middle school and sub-varsity games held at Ryan High School
Champion Ad - $2000.00: Includes full page ad, website advertisement and advertisement on scoreboard during all middle school and sub-varsity games held at Ryan High School. Ad included on game-day highlight videos.
Questions regarding ad sales and design should be directed to Lindsay Dutton at (817-944-9022). Send artwork, ad information, photos, order forms, or ad inquiries to: ryanraiderqbc@gmail.com
The Ryan Raider Quarterback Club is a non-profit organization.
Make Checks Payable to:
Ryan Raider Quarterback Club
Mail Check and Order Form to:
Ryan Raider Football c/o Lindsay Dutton
2524 Liberty Lane
Denton, TX 76209